
Sunday 28 December 2008
TROUBLE is A FRIEND !!!! @ 15:02


huh.... Bener banget tuh ungkapan kayak gitu....MySpace
Entah kenapa.... Dan lo tau apa.... BLOG gue yang dulu kehapus.....!!MySpace
HUA......... Dan itu gara-gara gue streess ngurusin template blog....
Biar gue cerita, MySpaceEHEM..EHEM...mulanya, gue mau pake skin dari blogskin tapi nggak bisa, Eh, ternyata harus kembali ke template klasik dulu yah??? ( ya, ini gue uda bisa !!!!) Lha tapi, dulu itu, gue bener-bener desperate banget !!! Ampe' tanya anak-anak PLURK terimakasih untuk anak-anak plurk yang dulu uda mau bantu gue !!!
MAkanya, karena gue uda stuk banget ma template itu, gue TANPA SENGAJA
(catet ! tanpa sengaja !) MySpaceJRENG...JRENG !!!!menghapus blog gue !!! Gue emang selalu bikin ulah kalo uda strees berat.. dan gue tipe cewek yang gampang stress lagi..MySpace
BODOH benget!!! pas baru pulang dari menghapus itu gue baru sadarMySpace,, kenapa gue nggak buat blog satu lagi sih???? BODOH !!! HUA..

DAn, tau nggak lo?? Ternyata kesialan gue itu uda dimulai sejak perjalanan sebelumnya. Pas itu, gue lagi pergi naik motor gue... Entah kenapa, di jalan yang lumayang sempit ... ada truk yang lewat... truss,,, eh...eh...MySpace dianya sedikit oleng kesamping... HAMPIR aja gue NYIUM tuh truk !!!!

Kesialan lainnya lagi, pas gue pulang dari warnet ya..... Tepatnya di perempatan jalan kecil.... Gue nggak nyangka-nyangka kalo ada motor yang berjalan di balik tikungan situ.... Walhasil.... ban motor gue nyungsep di motornya yang gue tabrak.... Untung aja gue sempet ngerem... kalo nggak begini jadinya...MySpace
Mas-nya yang gue tabrak, agak-agak gimana gitu.... Dianya bilang... "Oh, nggak apa, dek... nggak apa..."
Tengsin gue, jadi gue cuma bales " maap loh, mas..."MySpace
Langsung cabut !!!! sebelum lebih tengsin lagi..... Hue... gimana nggak??? Banyak bapak-bapak kuli bangunan liatin gue.....

YAPMySpace, segitu kesialan dan masalah-masalah gue hari itu....
Bener-bener deh lagu gue hari itu ...... LENKA!!!
Trouble will find you
No matter where you go
Oh, oh
No matter if you're fast
No matter if you're slow
Oh, oh
The eye of the storm
wanna cry in the morn
Oh, oh
You're fine for a while
But you start
To lose control

He's there in the dark
He's there in my heart
He waits in the wings
he's gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend
Is a friend of mine

Trouble is a friend
But trouble is a foe
Oh, oh
And no matter
What I feed him
He always seems to grow
Oh, oh
He sees what I see
And he knows
What I know
Oh, oh
So don't forget
As you ease
On down my road

He's there in the dark
He's there in my heart
He waits in the wings
He's gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend
Is a friend of mine
So don't be alarmed
If he takes you
By the arm
I roll down the window
I'm a sucker
For his charm
Trouble is a friend
Is a friend of mine

How I hate the way
He makes me feel
And how I try
To make him leave
I try
Oh, oh, I try

But he's
There in the dark
He's there in my heart
He waits in the wings
He's gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend
Is a friend of mine
So don't be alarmed
If he takes you
By the arm
I roll down the window
I'm a sucker
For his charm
Trouble is a friend
Is a friend of mine


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Posted by Sunday 28 December 2008 15:02 with 0 notes | add more notes | TOP

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